They both can sing ... Wowsers.
Remember when you would either give or receive a slow jam mix tape or a BMM tape? (Baby Makin Music) Then it progressed to a CD... and now we are on special playlists ... Well ... Mirth:Nadir is born from those roots. Mirth+Nadir=the two strongest emotions of love possible. We will explore these emotions on a weekly basis on this show. Call in to the LOVELINE and leave your dedication - 1-800-882-9291. Email me at Amani@mirthnadir.com. Visit the home website www.mirthnadir.com.
um duh! i hope you didnt think that they couldn't. . .lo!
I guess I am fooled by the recent status of music when not many people can really sing. So when I hear this I gasp and become shocked. ;-)
Awesome!! Both amazing singers. Simon would have said that she was a little over the top though : )~
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